Several uncertainties usually come with long-term decisions such as warehouse automation projects. In our interactive model, you can change these parameters to understand the interplay between them and evaluate whether an investment would make sense for you. For more context, we invite you to download our study on the topic.
Numerous technological varieties and functionalities are currently available. Based on a case study with real-world data, we compare a manual forklift solution with stacker cranes and an automated solution with automated guided vehicles for storage, retrieval and transport. The objective is to compare the financial key performance indicator (KPI) of a payback period for both options. The payback period indicates how long it would take to reimburse the initial investment through lower operational costs.
The interactive framework allows you to assess the influence of certain factors on the payback period of an automated warehouse. The model is based on optimally designed layouts of manual and automated warehouses, which were derived from a case study based on real-world data and a service level requirement assumption of 98.5% (γ service level).